Puppy Lessons

Pre-Puppy Orientation Lesson

For people who have never had a puppy or haven’t had a puppy in a long time. This 2-hour, people only lesson will cover, what to expect with a new puppy, necessary supplies, setting-up the house, crating, housebreaking, toys, chews and treats, nipping, collars and leashes, feeding–foods and schedules, finding a Vet and Groomer, teaching how to handle, including brushing and nails, meeting other dogs, and obedience games.

Two-hour appointment– $300.00

Puppy Lessons

For puppies up to 3 months old, individual lesson only. Starts puppies off right.

Cartoon dog pulling on leash

  • crating
  • chewing
  • housebreaking
  • getting accustom to a leash
  • imprinting behaviors

One-hour appointment– $150.00